How to pay TASA at ATM

How To Pay for your TASA at an ATM

Need to pay TASA for your TIE request or renewal but the busy schedule is keeping you from visiting a bank? Many Spanish processes require us TASA to be paid and visiting a bank during office hours can be difficult. Don’t worry, thanks to the Spanish cash withdrawal machines that you can actually pay for any kind of TASA at your nearby ATM – no time boundaries. It is not just a flexible option but is quick and hassle-free.

So, what do you need to do to pay the TASA at an ATM? It is simple, just keep following the below steps and you will have your receipt within a few minutes.

1st step : Print the filled Código TASA form (Código TASA 012 for auxiliares de conversación ). If unavailable, you can use your phone too. We need this to scan the barcode.

2nd step: Go to a nearby ATM (cash withdrawal machine/ un cajero)

3rd step: Click on ‘Operaciones sin tarjeta ni liberta‘.

4th step: Click on ‘Recibes e Impuestos

5th step: Click on ‘Agencia Tributaria‘. OR in some ATM’s ‘Hacienda’

6th step: Scan the barcode printed on the second box on the top right of your TASA form. The scanner generally is located on the inner top of the ATM.

If you are unable to scan the barcode, no worries. You can fill in the following details:

a) Modelo: 790, b) Justificante: The 13 digit number written on top of the barcode in form, c) Tipo de persona: Particular, d) Fill in your personal details such as NIE and Name if needed, e) Importe: Depends on the type of your request/ card [Example: €15.92 (for first-time TIE requesters) /€19.11 (for TIE renewals)]

Check the details

7th step: Insert the money/ notes to pay into the ‘ingresos‘ section on the ATM box. Make sure to be ready with the money beforehand to avoid delays.

8th step: Collect the change from the ‘Recogida de Monedas’

9th step: Collect your receipt

10th step: Come on – you have your receipt in your hands. How many more steps do you think would be there? It’s all done, mate! 😉

You’ve successfully paid for the TASA at a time that is convenient to you, quickly and with almost 0 human interaction. Good luck for your TIE appointment. If you need any help in filling your TIE request form, click here and if you need a guide to fill Código TASA 012 form, simply click here and you have all the help available.

Hope it helped you 🙂

You may also like: How to fill theTasa Modelo 790 Código 012

Feel free to comment below to ask any questions or share your Spanish paperwork experience with us 🙂

If you are an upcoming language assistant from India you should definitely take a look at Auxiliar de conversación – The Ultimate Guide For Indians. I wrote this to provide a detailed step-by-step guide that answers all your questions (asked and unasked). It also helps you prepare to adjust to the new environment – culturally, professionally and much more!!!

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2 thoughts on “How To Pay for your TASA at an ATM

    1. Hi Romanr,

      I had to pay TASA day before yesterday and used Caixa. I have also tried Santadnar and it worked well
      .. However, i had to try in two ATMS because smetimes, some ATMS of the same bank do not allow to pay TASA. I remember trying in one of caixa with no option and then moving to another nearest Caixa where I could do this.
      Note to remember: Generally all the ATMs that are outside the bank have this option.

      hope this is helpful

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