Presentation on India

Presentation on India for foreigners

When I came to Spain as a language assistant, my role was also to act as a cultural ambassador of my country (India) for the Spanish students. I created various presentations on different subjects related to India, for foreign students to give them a glimpse of our country and lifestyle.

Foreigners in general have a lot of myths and outdated information about India. As language assistants are the face of our country not just for the schools, but also for the people we meet abroad. It becomes our responsibility to share the real picture of India with them. Therefore, sharing with you all my classroom presentation on India that I made for foreigners to help them understand the true beauty of our country and culture.

The below presentation on India contains basic details and was made to address all age groups, this means that it can be used for ESO, CEIP, and Adults 馃檪

Note: To use the presentation in the class: You need to click on the 3 dots next to the slide’s page number located below the presentation and click on ‘Enter Full Screen’.
You can also click on the ‘Open speaker notes’ option under the 3 dots below the presentation to refer to the speaking material for each slide.

Please feel free to share your comments and suggestions in the comments below. Also, let me know if you would like to have access to all of my classroom presentations 馃檪

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Posts created 29

6 thoughts on “Presentation on India for foreigners

  1. This presentation is amazing. It is so helpful for the first year Auxiliares. It helped me tell more people about India and also clear many misconceptions. It also helped me with the kids because they were so curious after seeing it that they asked so many questions.

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