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How to book the TIE appointment in Spain

After reaching Spain, one of the initial steps for an immigrant foreigner or a language assistant is to apply for the TIE. Which means: Tarjeta de Identidad Extranjero/ Foreign Identity Card.

Considering how confusing navigating through Spain’s official appointment process can be, I have shared the steps with images that can help you understand how to book your appointments for the TIE application and TIE pick-up. Keep reading! 

Click here if you need help understanding what is TIE and what documents are required to request one.

Now, let’s continue reading to know the easy steps to request the appointment for the TIE application for the first time when you are requesting the card. Also includes the steps to follow to pick up the TIE card (your 2nd visit to the office that is after 30 days after the application). The difference is explained in step 3.

How to book your TIE appointment :

**Note (for the ones in main cities): In many cities, the very first step is to apply for the card (Tarjeta) through the extranjería (foreign office) and not the police. To do this, you can simply go to this page, select your province and click on ‘cita previa’ to book an appointment.

Once the appointment is booked, you need to present your documents on the day of your appointment.

In a few days/weeks, you will receive a notification about the decision taken for your request. Normally, the notification is sent via post or email(if you have provided your email address). You can also keep real-time track of your request status through this link. This link will give you two options – the easiest is to track your request’s status through the form details, which can be done by clicking on the option ‘ENTRADA CON FORMULARIO’

Upon receiving the favourable resolution to your request, all you need to do is a) book an appointment at the nearest comisaria de policia to scan your fingerprints, and b) book another appointment to pick up your card after 30 days of the fingerprint scanning. How to do this is all described in the steps below:

**For the ones who do not have a separate office of Delegaciones del Gobierno in their towns for this procedure (eg. Palencia, Burgos), below are the steps from the very first task to get your TIE:

Step 1: Click on this link to request an appointment / Cita Previa

Step 2: The above link will take you to a page that will allow you to select your province. Here, you need to select the city you are living in:

STEP 2 : How to book TIE appointment

Step 3: Select your city and click on ‘Aceptar’. I have selected ‘Madrid’ to use as an example. Upon clicking, you would be taken to a page that explains about TIE and the necessary documents. Simply scroll down and you would be prompted to select 2 things. The 1st – is the office that’s convenient for you to go for the application. This is based on your location – choose the one that’s nearest to you.
And 2nd: Select the reason why you are requesting the appointment/el trámite para el que desea solicitar la cita previa

IMPORTANT: If you are requesting the card for the first time then you need to click on the last option
. That is, POLICIA TOMA DE HUELLAS (EXPIDICION DE TARJETA/ Y RENOVACION DE TARJETA DE LARGA DURACION). This means you are requesting an appointment to scan the fingerprints and apply for the card

If you have already requested the card and now are going to COLLECT the card, then you need to select the 7th option. That is, Policia – RECOGIDA DE LA TARJETA DE IDENTITAT EXTRANJERO (TIE). This means you are requesting an appointment to pick up the card for which you had applied 30 days ago

STEP 3 : How to book TIE appointment

Step 4:  Click on ‘ENTRAR’ at the end of the page

STEP 4 : How to book TIE appointment

Step 5:  On the next page, you will need to give the details of the ID you would provide to enter the office. You will have 2 options here: NIE or Passport. It doesn’t really matter what you select here. You can choose either of these 2, fill in the details and proceed to the next step, i.e. ‘Aceptar’.

Note: for the ones selecting NIE, you can leave the last option blank, i.e. ‘Fecha de Caducidad de su tarjeta actual’

STEP 5 : How to book TIE appointment

Step 6:  Here the website will confirm your ID number and you would be prompted to request the appointment by clicking on ‘SOLICITAR CITA’.

This is the same page that you can use to cancel the already booked appointments by clicking on ‘Anular Cita’

Step 7: Now you just need to select one of the available dates for the appointment and that’s it. Process completed!!

Make sure you have all the documents handy on the day of your appointment. Click here to get help in filling in your TIE application form.

By the way, did you know that you could also pay for the TASA/ fee at an ATM? Click here to know the easy steps

Did this post help you? Leave your comment below to share your experience 🙂

Also, if you are an upcoming language assistant from India you should definitely take a look at Auxiliar de conversación – The Ultimate Guide For Indians. This is a short book I wrote to provide a detailed step-by-step guide that answers all your questions (asked and unasked) and also helps you prepare to adjust to the new environment – culturally, professionally and much more!!!

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