Rashtrapati Bhavan

The government structure in India explained

India being the world’s 2nd most populated nation, is the world’s largest democracy with a mix of various faiths and cultures. This is why I guess, many people that I met abroad have shown their interest to understand the government structure in India, and especially the elections.

During my association with the language and cultural ambassador program in Spain, I brushed up my knowledge and went a bit deeper to explain our government’s structure. I am far from an expert; however, referring to different study materials helped me create this presentation. Sharing this with you as it could be a useful resource in explaining the government structure in India to your friends/ colleagues.

To explain a little: India has the Sovereign Socialist Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government. It has 28 states and 6 Union Territories. The power is distributed between the Union and the State government.

The slides further throw light on the legislative assembly: One house,i.e. the Vidhan Sabha and the Two house, i.e. Vidhan Parishad.

The third slide talks about how the government is formed, where I have described how the State’s Legislative Assembly Election is held every 5 years. It also speaks about the role of the Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA).

The fourth slide is a continuation that explains further about the Coalition government and the appointment of the Chief Minister by the governor.

The fifth and the sixth slides share a tabular presentation of the government structure in India. Here you can find the different branches and the different roles explained in brief.

In the seventh slide, we find a few details of the Legislature and the house of the people, i.e. Lok Sabha and, Council of States, i.e. Rajya Sabha.

Note: In order to be chosen as a member of Parliament, a person must be a citizen of India, and not less than 30 years of age for Rajya Sabha. For Lok Sabha, he/she should not be of less than 25 years of age.

The eighth slide throws light on the Parliamentary form of the government.

The last slide, which interests the foreigners a lot, speaks of the voting system. It explains the election of 3 bodies in India: the National level elections, Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

It further includes a link that shares the incredible view of our Rashtrapati Bhavan, where the Indian President resides.

Undoubtedly, the government structure of India is quite vast and very well organized. This presentation is just an introduction that can help us cover the basics. The idea is to give a brief understanding of how the government functions in our country. Hope you find it useful 🙂

**Remember to rotate your mobile phone to the landscape view to be able to enjoy the presentation in full mode!

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Also, if you are an upcoming language assistant from India you should definitely take a look at Auxiliar de conversación – The Ultimate Guide For Indians. This is a short book I wrote to provide a detailed step-by-step guide that answers all your questions (asked and unasked) and also helps you prepare to adjust to the new environment – culturally and professionally and much more!!!.

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