If you liked your first year in Spain as an auxiliar de conversación, it is quite likely that you would want to renew.
There are many links available to guide us with the renewal process. This post is being written with the motive of guiding with the renewal, my suggestions, materials and an explanation of little more (informe de memoría).
Honestly, renewal is like a cakewalk if compared to the new application process. Continue reading to know further.
The first thing we must know is that the renewal window is not the same as the new application window. This means that the new application process begins earlier (Dec – Jan); than the renewal application process (Jan end – Feb).
I have explained the auxiliar de conversación renewal process in 2 parts: a) What do you need to have (documents) to renew and b) What do you need to do with those documents (steps).
Part a) What do you need to HAVE to apply for the renewal (gathering documents):
1) Motivation letter: It is a letter that you need to write to explain why you wish to renew the program. It should be a signed document of 300 words. During my first year of renewal, I was very confused about the content of this letter. I then travelled to my previous year’s memories and wrote why did I actually want to join this program at the first place, and how happy I was to get this opportunity and why I want to continue next (do you think sharing my motivation letter could help you get an idea of how the letter should be like? Let me know in the comments.
UPDATE: Thanks for sharing your comments. You can scroll to the end of the page to view my renewal motivation letter.)
2) A scanned copy of your passport – I used the same scanned copy that I had used during my new application to upload on Profex
3) School feedback report: This is your school’s feedback about you. How to get it? Click here to download the form for the renewal year 2022-23. Simply, print this feedback form that you need to give to you by your school, fill the first box and then ask your coordinator to fill this for you. Once you get it the filled document back, simply scan it and that’s it.
Note: I suggest you prioritize this document over the first 2 as this is the only document that is dependent on others, i.e. your school coordinator. Rest everything is under your control completely.
The above-listed documents are the only 3 things one needs to apply for the renewal.
Now, let’s move on to Part b) What do you need to DO to apply for the renewal:
1) Once you get all the documents, log on the Profex via this link
2) Second step is to click on ‘Auxiliar de Conversación’ on the left of the page and then click on the sub-menu option ‘Presentación solicitudes’
3) Now, from the list of dropdowns, select the year of the program that you are going to renew for. (2022 -23 is the latest at the time this post is being written)
4) Click on ‘Renovación solicitud’, which means – renewal application.
5) All you need now is to add the documents. How to upload documents on Profex? It is very well explained by the ministry document along with screenshots and can be found here.
6) Download your finally generated application form to: [email protected] (cupo ministerio) OR [email protected] (cupo comunidad).
Note: If you are not sure which cupo you belong to, then check your carta de nombramiento (appointment letter).
Ministry Quota: those who receive monthly pay directly from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
Community Quota: those who receive monthly pay directly from the community autonomous community in which their destination center is located.
The Appointment Letter (Carta de Nombramineto) indicates the body that pays for the aid: the Ministry Education and Vocational Training, or the Ministry or Department of Education of the autonomous community to which you join.
IMPORTANT, if you want to renew in the same autonomous community (comunidad autonoma e.g. Andalucia/ Castilla y León etc.), you need to send the email to the respective comunidad autonoma. The email address of your comunidad autonoma can be found here in page no. 5.
After submitting your documents in Profex and sending the email, your profex status would be changed to ‘registered’. All that you need to do now is -wait (yep, you knew it) and enjoy! Yeah, you read that right. Nothing else required. Your renewal application is now submitted and now you just need to wait to receive notifications of being ‘admitted’, ‘accepted’ and finally, receiving your new ‘carta de nombramiento’, which usually is received by May – June.
Finally, your renewal process application is completed with the above-mentioned steps.
However, I will be proactive here and help you be prepared for another document that you might need while leaving the school.
Memoria final del auxiliar : Please note, this is not at all required to renew the program. Here, you need to share the list of activities you performed with different teachers and classes and some centers ask for this to be submitted before the last day of your program. I worked with Castilla y León for 2 years and had to submit this both the times. Remember, this has nothing to do with the renewal but is to be given to your school before the last day if they demand.
(do you think sharing my memoria final could help you get an idea of what the document should be like? Let me know in the comments.
What is expected in this memoría:
1) What were your expectations with the auxiliar de conversación program
2) Development of the experience. Didactic aspects, organization and participation in the center:
a)Classroom activities conducted: your contribution to improving the oral competence of students and their knowledge of other cultural realities
b)Coordination with the Language Department. Supervision and advice received.
c) Participation in other activities
3) Overall evaluation of the experience
I hope this article was helpful.
Based on the feedback received on this post, I have shared with you all the motivation letter I wrote for renewal (carta de motivación) below.
Note: Please use this for only reference. If everybody from India copies the same lines, then it could be troublesome. My idea is only and only and only provide you with help with the idea :).
2 de marzo de 2020,
Asunto: Solicitud de renovación
Estimado Sr./a,
Les escribo esta carta en relación con el Programa de Auxiliares de Conversaciones en España y me gustaría presentar mi solicitud de renovación para el año académico 2020-2021.
Antes de nada, expreso mi gratitud al Ministerio y a la Junta de Castilla y León por permitirme tener la oportunidad de ser auxiliar de conversación y vivir la bella cultura Española mientras comparto mis conocimientos. Este programa me ha permitido compartir la cultura india y contribuir a mejorar las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos españoles a la vez que ampliar mi propio conocimiento en muchas áreas, que me hace sentir orgullosa.
Estoy asignada al Instituto xxx xxx xx (name of the institute) y mi experiencia aquí ha sido emocionante. Comparto mi conocimiento con diferentes edades y cada clase de la que formo parte, me trae alegría. Tener clases con profesores de diferentes asignaturas (ingles, matemáticas, ciencias etc.) me permite ampliar mi mundo, así que disfruto mucho prepararme para las clases.
Para una persona con un inmenso amor por el idioma y la cultura española, un gran interés en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, no podría haber tenido una oportunidad mejor que esta. Tengo nivel B2 en español, licenciatura en ciencias y experiencia laboral y al igual que este año, afirmo que mis habilidades y conocimientos pueden seguir beneficiando al programa el próximo año. A cambio yo continuaría mejorando mis conocimientos del español mientras que vivo una experiencia muy enriquecedora.
Tener una oportunidad que permite representar a mi país, compartir la cultura india y explorar la española es realmente un placer.
Por lo tanto, le solicito que considere mi solicitud de renovación para el curso 2020-2021. Le prometo que seguiré contribuyendo a este programa con sinceridad, dedicación y con actitud positiva.
Un Saludo,
Let me know in the comments if you think sharing my documents (my report of memoría that I submitted in my school /my motivation letter etc.) could help you in getting an idea or reference. Please feel free to share this or any other request or suggestions.
You may also like Indian Auxiliares – Recommendations
Also, if you are an upcoming language assistant from India you should definitely take a look at Auxiliar de conversación – The Ultimate Guide For Indians. This is a short book I wrote to provide a detailed step-by-step guide that answers all your questions (asked and unasked) and also helps you prepare to adjust to the new environment – culturally and professionally and much more!!!.
Let me
Thank you Bhavna. It was really helpful.
Hey Bhavna, thank you for this detailed blog. It is very informational. But, definitely your motivation letter and your report of memoría would be amazing and very very helpful for us.
Thank you so much Bhavna for explaining everything step by step. And yes if you share your motivation letter, it would be great. I know what to write but I’m confused about how I start.
For Andalusia do we need to sign documents nd then send??
Hi Esterlla,
You need to only sign and email the document. Where to email the document is shared above in the post in point. 6.
Rest assured, sending the documents by post is not required anymore. Please refer to the link (pg. 3) that confirms this.
Hope this helps 🙂