How to renew TIE and get Regreso


The new year brings new opportunities. But, if you are an auxiliar de conversación in Spain, it brings a lot of new questions regarding your stay in Spain. I hear you! I have been there and totally understand the cloud of confusion created during the renewal process.
So, let’s breathe out and relax because this post helps you with all your questions i.e. how to renew your TIE, what is a regreso, do I need a regreso, can I travel outside Spain, how to get regreso? etc etc.

First, let us understand the process of renewing your TIE (Prórroga de estancia de Tarjeta de Identidad/ Student card).

For most of the language assistants, the TIE card is issued till the 31st of May. This means that you are officially allowed to stay in Spain on your student card till the 31st of May. Now, what happens after this? What do you need to renew your stay? Continue reading…

You have 60 days before your TIE expiration date and 90 days after the TIE expiration date to apply for the renewal of the card.
This means that if your card expires on the 31st of May, you can apply for renewal anytime between the 1st of April and the 29th of August.

Documents you need to apply for TIE renewal:
1. The New carta de nombramiento (Renewal CAN ONLY be applied once the new application letter is received for the next year)
2. The old/current carta de nombramiento
3. Form EX-00
4. A copy of all the pages of your passport
5. Modelo 790 – Código 052 – to pay the tasa of €17.15.

Once you apply for the TIE renewal, you will have 30 days to pick up your renewed card after toma de huellas,i.e. fingerprinting appointment (similar to the new TIE application process).

Click here if you need to know where and how to book appointment for TIE renewal for your location.

As described in the above list of documents, you need to wait to get the new carta de nombramiento to apply for renewal. But, what can you do if you do not receive the letter before May before your card’s expiration? Easyyyy, just keep reading and you will get all the answers 🙂

The renewal process from 60 days before the expiration is easy to follow; however, what about the 90 days period after TIE expires is a common question. Let’s first understand this process.

As stated above, you have 90 days to apply for the renewal of your card after your TIE expiration. This means that if your card expires, so does your stay as a student. Now, your stay is automatically converted to that of a tourist in Spain for 90 days. You can legally continue living in Spain for these 90 days after expiration but note stay is allowed only in Spain. You can’t travel to the Schengen countries with the expired TIE even if you are in the post 90 days period. (Source)

You have two options here:
1. Wait for your new carta de nombramiento and apply for renewal while you are in Spain (within 90 days after expiration, i.e. before August 29)
2. Go back to your home country and apply for a new visa (just like the first time) to return to Spain for the new academic year before October

Remember, if you want to travel to nearby countries, normal visa conditions apply. The expired TIE card can’t be used to travel out of Spanish boundaries.

Now, we have a third category: People who have applied for the renewal and are waiting to pick up the card after 30 days. What about this category? If you fall in this category, you have two options while you are waiting for the new card to arrive:
1. Continue your stay in Spain and pick up your card after 30 days.
2. If you have plans to travel out of Spain during this period of 30 days, you can simply apply for a Return Authorization/ Autorización de regreso.

Regreso is permission to travel out of Spain while Spanish authorities are preparing your new TIE card.

Documents needed to apply for the regreso:
Form EX 13: Filled and a copy
– Copy of the complete passport or registration card and valid travel document
– Copy of the request for the renewal or extension of the authorization or of the foreign identity card, or proof of its presentation

Hope the above information helps and wish you an amazing summertime in Spain!!!!

Feel free to share your questions, thoughts, comments or suggestions in the comments below. Let’s connect there 🙂

You may also like: How To Renew The Auxiliar De Conversación Program & Spain – India: Differences and Similarities

Also, if you are an upcoming language assistant from India you should definitely take a look at Auxiliar de conversación – The Ultimate Guide For Indians. This is a short book I wrote to provide a detailed step-by-step guide that answers all your questions (asked and unasked) and also helps you prepare to adjust to the new environment – culturally and professionally and much more!!!

Posts created 29


  1. but what offices would you go to to renewal the TIE and get the regress?

    1. The same office where you applied for the TIE for the first time – i.e, Oficina de extranjeria or policia in some towns/ cities 🙂

  2. Hi!!! It’s so nice to see an updated blog lol so thank you for that! 🙂
    Can you show me the process to get the TASA? The one I got was 17,49. I actually had an appointment yesterday but I was turned down. The top left corner of my TASA has “SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE POLÍTICA TERRITORIAL” Does your TASA have the same? Or does it have “DIRECCION GENERAL DE LA POLICÍA”
    Hope to hear back!

  3. so does this mean you can you still stay in Spain (with an expired TIE) while renewing your TIE as a citizen of a third world country that doesn’t have the privilege of a visa free stay in the Schengen area?

    1. Hi Tiare Taylor,

      Absolutely correct.

      These are the conditions set for the Spanish process of renewal and has nothing to do with the country we come from. I have shared the timeline during which we can renew our TIE, i.e. 60 days before and 90 days post expiry. Sharing below the actual wordings from government’s webpage:

      ‘Plazo de solicitud: durante los 60 días naturales previos a la fecha de expiración de la vigencia de la autorización. También se podrá presentar dentro de los 90 días naturales posteriores, sin perjuicio de la incoación del correspondiente procedimiento sancionador.’


      Hope this is helpful.

      Wishing you a good day ahead.


  4. Hi! I was a first time aux and my visa expired on the 31st of May like you mentioned above. Before beginning the renewal process I left Spain and went to Africa without getting a regresso. I didn’t know I needed one (should have done some research) 🥴Because I left Spain does that mean I need to start my visa app all over again in the states and won’t be able to renew the visa here in Spain ?? Thank you!!

    1. Hi Hica,

      Hope your day is going well 🙂

      I learned alot through experiences like you now and totally agree, researching before does help a little 😀
      To answer your query, if you have left Spain without getting a regresso then yep, the visa application needs to be started all over again because we wont be able to return to the country with an expired TIE.

      Renewals can only happen if we are within Spain, but the only choice we have after leaving is to apply for the visa again at our home country.
      Hope this was helpful. Pls do update on how it goes 🙂

  5. I came with new visa again in October. Do I have to fill renewal tie form or new apply for tie. I am 1st year renewal

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